Man Puts Sand and Pepper in Wife's Private Parts

By Unknown - Monday, 19 May 2014 No Comments
Malawi:   Ntchisi — A man in Ntchisi, assisted by his girlfriend, is alleged to have put pepper and sand in his wife's private parts after picking a quarrel on family issues.
The man has since been arrested by Ntchisi police and his girlfriend is at large.
According to Ntchisi police publicist, Gladson M'bumpha, the man, Masauko Gwirigwi, separated with his wife for some days and during this period he was seen staying with another woman in his house at Ntchisi trading centre.
M'bumpha said on 29 April, 2014, Masauko, 28, called his wife back to his house and upon reaching the house the wife,ChisomoGwaza, found another woman in the house.
"When she entered the house, Chisomo was caught, undressed and assisted by his girl-friend, Masauko put powdered hot pepper mixed with sand in his wife's private parts," said the publicist.
He told Mana that people around the house heard a scream and went to rescue the woman who was in agony with the stuff between her legs.
"She was taken to Ntchisi District hospital where they tried to remove the stuff and clean her private parts, but up to now she complains of pain due to remaining pepper in her," said M'bumpha
Masauko was arrested on 15th May, 2014 and appeared in court on 16 May for a charge of 'intending to cause grievance harm' where he pleaded not guilty on the account.His case is to proceed on 1st June, 2014.
According to police, this was not the first time that Masauko afflicted pain on his wife; he once shocked his wife with electric wires.
Masauko hails from Kashangula village in Traditional Authority Dzoole in Dowa district.

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